2nd Of June. Out wid Lenglois & Lengzais. I only upload some picture ^^ Went alot place, chong & law, imperial, parkson, doublestar, and ulu mulu ^^. Watched night at the museum 2. Quite nice. Hehee, when watching that movie, i'm seriously having some personal mood :]! En, then went alot places to eat and play. Spent alot ler, left RM10 today. Between today is Hilda's bday. Happy bday yar. Happy owes. Actually planned to buy t-shirt together wid wenqing~ but really pokai niaw TT~ wuwu.. anyway, at least acompany you bought the tshirt lw ^^. Tired tired. Hehe, and thanks to those who accompany me sms today ^^. Really helped alot! xixii.. <3 And my jie jie ! Mwuax.. You muz owes drink water yar, wish you tomorrow will recover worhx :]. And some other riend, i'm lazy to type much more now. Between, ngie ming nice to meet you ^^. Wish Lee's a happy holiday at SG too. Also to Gary who is celebrating Gawai in Sibu or Kuching. ^^ Looking forward to next VIP's gathering.
Wen Qing when trying the shirt in fitting room.*Lenglois ^^*
My most ko ai and cute cute de jie <3
*Jie jie fast recover from sick yar!*
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